Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Fuck You Legend of Zelda : Wind Waker

Fuck you right in the ear. Man this game is pissing me off.

Oh sure it's got a great story and is nicely tied in with it's predecessors. Sure it's got a cool new look. Yeah the puzzles are hard, but not too hard. But why oh why do you have to be so fucking ANNOYING. I have a theory that Nintendo purposely makes games like this endlessly frustrating so that you're forced to throw your controller/game/system/sister at the nearest brick wall, but addictive enough that you'll then go out an buy a new one (or as mom and dad to make you a new sister if that's the case).

I mean right now, I've been working on the same 3 rooms for like 45 minutes. I know how to solve them, but everytime i get close this hand thing grabs me and tosses me back to the beginning. Fuck I never liked those hands in any version of the game.

Also, Nintendo, stop putting fucking ice levels in your games. All they do is piss people off. They aren't fun, they're infuriating.

Finally, Danny is a sick bastard and if you ever meet him, don't shake his hand.


Anonymous said...

Jeremy is just ashamed of our brokeback mountain style of love. Our love scenes are far more graphic and deatailed. We could so win a woodie. Then we'd have to wrestle for it and we'd get all hot and bothered and well you know how Jeremy is. And we do this even if it isn't friday.

Pilot said...

Your point being?

Anonymous said...

Sometimes you have to make a man feel appreciated and show him off to your friends once in awhile. And why don't we ever kiss in public anymore, you used to love that. Are you ashamed of me?? Is our love embarassing you??

Pilot said...

No, was it not enough that I wrote your name on the water-tower in old street paint?

Anonymous said...


Pilot said...

Well maybe next time I ask you to let me meet your paren't you'll say yes.

Anonymous said...

fucker you didn't hold me you never hold me and don't try turning this fight around this is about how YOU neglect me, me me me. I'm never ever doing page 47 of the Kama Sutra again. EVER EVER again not until i get some respect.

Pilot said...

Oh Goddamn it. I never liked page 47 anyways. Besides it's ALWAYS about YOU and YOUR NEEDS. You know it can't all be about the blissful ass pounding.

Ever heard of FOREPLAY?

Anonymous said...

Is it always about just sex with you. Can't we ever just cuddle anymore. Sometime you make my ass bleed for a week. I wish you'd be more gentle and just hold me.

Pilot said...

Oh this from the guy who's vocabulary after 11 PM is Spit, Grunt and Snore.

Anonymous said...

Spit!! Spit!! I only ever did that once and you had too much red meat that day. God I do it once and you never ever let me forget it. It's not my fault i like eating healthy foods. Mine spunk is so good you even gargle it.

Pilot said...

Well at least I'm a conoiseur, not a slut like someone I know.

Or have we forgotten YOUR WIFE?

Anonymous said...

Oh don't be blaming me cuz my wife was ok with it while your ex wasn't ready for this kind of a man man, woman, woman, dog relationship.

Pilot said...

I see you forgot about Emilio, he came all the way here from cuba and has been skipping grade 4 since September.

But I guess since he's a little darker than us he doesn't count... is that it?

Anonymous said...

I'm tired of Emilio and his 35 cent Buritto. I told you I don't like that game anymore. I wouldn't play hide the buritto with you so you went and paid 35 cents a day to adopt a cuban boy. You and Emilio can have a happy life together. I'm taking Bootsy and we'll never ever see you again. EVER!!

Pilot said...

You can't have Bootsy, I'll see you in court for custody.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I should take Harold too, your big blue double sided dildo, would that make you happy too??

Pilot said...

Look I PAID for Harold and I PAID to get Bootsy's tongue peierced. Now that I think of it all you've contributed to this relationship is a broken down K-Car and a hell of a lot of bitching.

Anonymous said...

SORRY!!! I only bitch because I care. Is it such a crime to care??

Pilot said...

No, but it is to wear that shirt you wore last week to the bar. (SNAP)

Anonymous said...

Oh no the fuck you didn't. You didn't just.... You better not have... GRRRRRR meow

Pilot said...

You know what.. .you don't deserve this conversation. I'm going to go watch some episodes of The View I recorded on our PVR. AND YOU'RE NOT INVITED!!!

Anonymous said...

OOOO the view. Can i join you?? Will you hold me like you did last night??

Pilot said...

You know what, I made a bit of a mess in the kitchen, why don't you go take care of that?

Anonymous said...

I cleaned up last night. And you made the mess, clean it yourself or you won't be getting this *drops the remote down the front of his pants*

Pilot said...

Is that a challenge... or an invitation?

Anonymous said...

hehehe *skips away*

Pilot said...

*oh my*

Anonymous said...

Can't catch me pookie hehehe

*Frolicking noises

Pilot said...


Anonymous said...

First of all, I hate you Jeremy for stealing MY lover. I told Danny I would put up with his fetish for ass banging, but had I known that this fetish had turned into a full blown ass-pound-o-rama, I don't think I would have been quite so forgiving. Come to think of it, now that Danny's ass is so loose that it actually whistles when he walks, you can have him. Way to break up another happy relationship with your devastatingly good looks and powerful cock Jeremy. *sniff* thanks alot

Anonymous said...

We can still be friends right Hot Ice girl *whistling*

The Navigator said...

Well, a new record for comments. That's all I have to say about this particular situation.

Soulfood said...

It doesn't count when 31 of the comment are by only 2 people. That makes 29 comments void.

Anonymous said...

It seems a certain someone's brother and sister are in denial. Or did you even tell them about me, about us pookie??

Jonny said...

Uh... I was just going to say that if you want to try out some cube games, my library of games is open to you. Ask me if you're interested, not about gay sex, I mean the games shit!

Anonymous said...

Men are just as bad as women! Ya well i will just keep Hot_Ice_Grl to my self. hell to yall dicks... pussy is soo much better!!!! Come on Hot_Ice_Grl me and you go play!