Saturday, August 26, 2006

Worn to the Bone

I am exhausted. To say that this has been a whirlwind three and a half days would be an understatement. I'm gonna post pictures and stories and all the rest, but now I need some sleep.

Thanks to Kat, Rob, Andrew, Jon, Mark, Dave, Amanda, Maynard, Adam, Danny, Justin, Davin, Corey, Laura and about a thousand other people that helped make this one of the most memorable I've had.

For now, sleep on this : Tool is quite likely the best live act ever.


Soulfood said...

I thought the Red Hot Chili Peppers were the best live act.

Not sure. I just heard that somewhere.

Anonymous said...

nope, definitely tool

Corey M said...

I beg to differ, I saw Poison in 1992 and they are clearly the best live act period. They had lasers, dry ice strobe lights!

Anonymous said...

but it was poison...

plus tool had lasers, and they have the innate advantage as they are not poison

The Navigator said...

I'm gonna have to go with rob on this one.

Anonymous said...

two words guys: unskinny bop