Friday, June 02, 2006

Stupid eye

So the surgery went better this time than last, but the recovery is definetly worse. I'm getting some pressure in my cornea... some sort of reaction to the stuff the doc put in my eye. I've got drops and stuff for it, and it's gonna be ok, but it is making me a bit sick and groggy. I feel like I'm in a bubble or something. Not feeling good at all.

My band has a gig tonight (normally I'd be stoked...right now I just want to roll over and sleep). It's at Riverside Park in Weyburn for the Cancer Society's Relay for Life. So if you want to come check out some good oldies, come on by at 9-9:45. We'll be rocking the south side BEEATCH! I may actually sit through the set though.

Gonna go give myself more pressure drops and eat something...


The Navigator said...

sounded good.

Anonymous said...

I just want to say Jeremy that I am very impressed with your work ethic and your commitment to us old fogies...okay so we're not that old...but anyway, thank you for being a trooper and making the gig. That was above and beyond. I hope the pressure is subsiding and you are feeling well...I didn't get to say good night and thank you on Friday, as you were spirited away, with good reason, by your loving family. So Thank you and oh rock!!