Friday, August 05, 2005

Fun in the Sun

So I just got back from 3 hours of busking. Earned 6 bucks and a beer... so that's.... 2 bucks and a shot of beer per hour.... TAX FREE!

The beer was pretty funny actually. I was playing American Pie and this guy came up and he's got a case of A Marca Bavaria beer. And he's all like "man I love American Pie! I got no change, think you'd like a beer?" To which I replied "Fuck yeah!" So yeah... got that for my troubles. See that guy knows that the only reason people busk is to buy booze, or heroin. He just cut out the middle man. Too bad he didn't have any heroin tho....

Michelle came and busked with me for a bit, but I think she was chasing away the clients, because while she was there we didn't make a cent. She left and I played on my own and I was showered with cash and booze!

Dave from CCCP wants me to come up to Regina and busk with him in the near future and I know it's very high on my list of things to do this summer. In fact I'm thinking about next Thursday night. I might even be able to make enough to pay the gas money to go up. The great thing is I got better at it in the 3 hours I was doing it, and I know I'd get better the more I do it. I just need to get WAY more songs in my catalogue so I can just look e'm up quick when people ask. Plus I think I need either a hard case or some sort of bucket to collect change as my soft case is a little... limp.


Soulfood said...


The Navigator said...

Ya, I was thinking of coming and joining you but I was tired(Not saying you weren't tired, just saying I was), and I also rented The Lord of the Rings: the Return of the King the video games and I wanted to play that so I didn't join you.