Thursday, June 23, 2005


Well it's been a whirlwind couple days. First off the negative.

My boss is a bitch... no matter how hard I work and try, nothing is ever good enough and I spend the first 20 minutes of every shift being "informed" as to everything I do wrong. My effort and workplace attendance seems to mean nothing because I can't perform a complex task in the time she feels I should. Not to mention the fact that I am the FASTEST employee at said task... a task she can't perform. After a particularily bad morning yesterday, I was on the edge of walking out of work and not coming back.

And now the positive.

I only have a month an a bit left ... max.

Although I had planned on moving out of La Ronge this summer to look for better work, my timeframe has been moved forward. Shawna got a job in Weyburn starting in about a week and a half. Being unable to pay the rent here myself, we're giving up the apartment... and we'll be moving back south in July! Thank GOD!

I'm hoping that I can get on at a good job, something well paying at least.

Also i got an appointment to see an eye specialist (opthomologist?) in September, so I could very well have some new eyes by XMAS!


Soulfood said...

Congrats!!! Maybe I'm not going to get that chance to come up north and visit you after all!!! Oh well.

Anonymous said...

WMD summer reunion? (apply at Co-op, the gas bar is cool!)

The Navigator said...

You should come to Sounds of the Underground with us then. WOOOOOOOOOOO! SOTU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's gonna kick ass!