Allright folks here it is! The long awaited new contest on Pilot's World! The Blogging Contest.
The rules are fairly simple. Below you will find a list of original places and ways to blog. Your cahllenge is to post from as many of these places as possible in the next month. Specify where you are posting in each post and e-mail me at I will post all entries into the contest here at Pilot's World and the scores so far so you can see how other Bloggers are doing. If you think you know of an original (but still fairly general) place to post, something that any normal person can do, e-mail me at If I approve it, it will be added to the list and posted for everyone to participate.
The person with the most original posts in original places will win our prize pack. In the case of a tie, the winner will be chosen by random lot. Old posts don't count and an original post can only be counted once (so e-mailing from work only counts as the work option or e-mail not both, choose wisely).
The Prize pack will consist of ;
1 - A replica of the actual frisbee I lost over a year ago.
2 - A Piot's World t-shirt... original!
3 - A "Pilot's World Blogging Champion 2005" Certificate
4 - Free advertising for your blog on Pilot's World for 1 month.
So here are the places to blog and good luck!
- Home Computer
- Work Computer
- From a cell phone
- From a blackberry
- From an internet TV
- From the woods
- From a rooftop or exceedingly high place
- From an internet cafe
- From a library
- From a public bathroom
- From underground
- From another continent
- From in a car
- from a train
- From an airplane
- From a boat
- From a submarine
- Using blog posting software (like Zoundry or WrodPress)
- By e-mail
- From Class
- From a government proceeding (parliament, legistlative assembly, council meeting, court)
- During a historical event (on location) - Large Disaster, Inauguration of a world Leader, Large Protest
- In a gas station
- On someone else's blog (don't ask me, I won't let you)
- Videoblogging
- Audioblogging
- Photoblog (tell the story or post with photos)
- at a concert for a major act (like on a major tour, they should have a nationally distributed album, I'll be the final judge of the act's appropriateness)
- From a warzone (and no the the "war on terror" has not made the world a war zone)
- From a PDA
- using Microsoft Windows
- Using mac OS
- Using Linux
- Using DOS
- Using any other operating system (a point for each one)
All submissions are due within the next month with final posts and e-mails posted and sent no later than 12:01, November 6, 2005. Best of luck all!