I've never identified as a "gamer". I absolutely play my share of video games but I don't have a desk chair that looks like it belongs in a Formula 1 car or a headset with a mic built in. I just play the same dozen games all the time.
This is why it's worth noting that I bought a brand-new game this week. Not a sequel to something I've played since college like the new Civilization XXIICDDERP. Like a whole new IP, game style and everything. Maybe you've heard of it.
I present to you Balatro!
Balatro is described as a "poker-like, rogue-lite game." I think that describes it pretty well. Hey, I knew what those things meant! Maybe I am a gamer. Basically, you play poker hands and there are collectable bonus cards you can draw to increase your score, get more cash or make other fun plays.
Beyond seeing it being played by several gamers on YouTube and learning it was the PC Gamer 2024 Game of the Year, I heard that the secretive maker, LocalThunk, is from right here in Saskatchewan. Heck for all I know it could be The Navigator. Probably not tho, he's really busy at work.
A lot of the media focus on the game has been around the Jokers. There are something like 150 unique jokers you can obtain and collect to help boost your score or make play easier. They're at the core of the branding in the game and they really are the most charming part of it. The way that Jokers multiply your hand is reminiscent of cribbage and how you can count the same cards multiple times if you play them right. It's like they took crib, poker, collectable card games like Magic the Gathering and card collecting and jammed them all together.
But for me, my favourite part is building out this insane card deck full of multipliers, bonuses and cheats. By the time you get to the end of a run, you have a card deck that is chaotic, powerful and maybe just a little bit gross.
Getting new cards and bonuses is executed as opening a card pack like you would have with hockey cards (or Pokemon cards for those of us under 100 years old). This part is also a lot of fun and scratches a gambling itch without spending any money (beyond the $15 I spent buying the game).
Which brings me to a quick tangent - gambling and games. LocalThunk talks a bit on his socials about how Balatro has pulled an 18+ rating for depicting gambling in games. And I think he makes a very good point. The issue isn't so much that a game with poker at its core is rated so high but that EA sports games (and others) with microtransactions and pay-to-win loot boxes aren't. That's REAL gambling and it goes unchecked. I have not spent a dollar more than my initial spend on Balatro and I don't expect I'll be asked to. There are no microtransactions, no pay-to-win. It's just buy the game and play it. Refreshing.
I've gone out of my way to avoid "How to Play" or "You need to know this first" type stuff in playing the game, allowing myself to discover the intricacies of the game myself. I have gone and looked up explanations of some of the mechanics like Tags and Seals because I think I missed them when they were presented at the start. But otherwise, it's been discovery as much as it's been risk. I love finding my own strategies and combinations to try. And furious when I make a bad choice, or worse an error.
Of course, as a rogue-like, if you fail to meet the blind, your game run ends immediately. No extra lives (unless you have that Joker "Mr. Bones" but it's expensive and rare), your deck is reset and all of your Jokers are destroyed. Back to zero.
But at least you get to go back and do it all again!
Not sure how long this game will hold my interest, but it's the fun I'm having right now. I had expected it to be a bit of a faster game - something on the scale of a poop break. But I've taken a whole evening to get through a run so it can be a medium-length play once you really dig in.
All of this goes to show how good a game can be when it's made by a gamer who understands games and just wants to deliver something fun and be part of the fun. The Balatro experience has been great, it actually reminds me of the early Minecraft days before Notch went mad and sold the thing to Microsoft.
What's your favourite indie game? Why do I ask for suggestions then never go play the games myself? Will they ever release Kerbal Space 2?