Monday, October 03, 2005

I'm selling out

Yeah big whoop wanna fight about it. I'm getting ad-sense on this here blog. What does that mean for you? It means more content, updates more than once a day... more than three times a week. It means hopefully better content, like porno and stories of my dog (but not together).

For me it means I'm gonna start saving up for a new digital camera that I'm now nearly in desparate need of. Mine is on the rocks and nearly dead, so I gotta start working on a new -BETTER one now.

Also i fixed Bootsy's post as it was fucking with the H-Scroll, you're welcome Nathan.


Soulfood said...

Thank-you. That post was driving me insane, you sell-out.


The Navigator said...

How much money do you make by selling out? And just so you know, I don't hold it against you that your selling out, as long as you don't start sucking....Like Metallica( I guess they are gonna be on the simpsons soon....groan). If you can sell out and still be awesome, all the power to ya!

Anonymous said...

yeah, if you litter your page with annoying ads, and an out of control h-scroll, people won't come

Soulfood said...

Michelle...we all know that's you leaving the bitchy comments. So stop hiding your identity!!!!!


Anonymous said...

if i were you, i'd delete that, because that was actually me, being too lazy to sign in because i was on another computer...

and i shoulda put a smiley face on the end, because i wasn't serious, i was just joking...

just trying to hold it to the man! :)