Friday, October 14, 2005


Ok we've all seen it. The breakneck speed emplyed by a young japanese boy to beat Super Mario 3 in 11 minutes(and finished with full lives). If you have not seen this video yet and thus are living undera rock and don't beleive me, check it out here at e-baums World.

I had seen some other "exceptional video game play" videos as well, but i recently found something cool at It is a webpage commited to "Speed Runs" or completing a video game in a very short time. Some very cool videos to be sure. Including a guy beating Mario 1 in 5 minutes. Wow. It took me 15 years. Now there's a boring video.

He never even uses a mushroom or flower power up. Just regular small Mario the entire play. No glitches used either, and very little killing... only when needed. This could be a lesson for some of the world's powers. Sometimes staying small and avoiding violence is the best way to solve a conflict.

There is also a video of a guy beating Legend of Zelda :Ocarina of Time in under 5 hours, but I don't wanna hafta wait for that one... hey Andrew, you could try that... I mean hey, you've done it with 3 hearts!


Soulfood said... forget. Shanna has the N64 and Zelda. So to do that, someone would have to come visit me.

uwxblt (hey, that has blt in it!!)

The Navigator said...

well, in that case I guess I won't beat it.

Steven said...

I want to see the 15 year video!

Anonymous said...

Though Andrew Gardikis claims that Trevor Seguin didn't cheat in that video, I'm skeptical. The dude finishing Mario 3 in 11 minutes was awesome. We've watched it here several times. My nieces just love watching it and ask me to show it to them everytime I see them. That one I buy. This one seems suspicious. Do you see how he practically jumps through the venus flytraps. Now I've never tried to run through the game that fast but I'm pretty sure when you hit those things even at that speed that close, you gonna die. I think he modified the chip to make the flytraps harmless. And I think perhaps Andrew Gardikis IS Trevor Seguin. How convenient! Comments?

Anonymous said...

i heard that with emulators, you can essentially just save and continue so that every single movement can be calculated and executed, and then pieced together with a video editing program...

does this count as blogging? i'm posting from vancity airport...

Jonny said...

I have seen the 11 minute Mario 3 run and to me it looked legit. Yes, you can emulate the game and most likely cheap through the entire game. Also, if anyone cares, holds a lot records in their pages, I haven't been able to download any of their movies, but I think it is because my computer hates FilePlanet and me.