Monday, October 10, 2005

Impending Doom

So as we can all recall a few weeks ago I posted a scan of my paycheque in which I was paid exactly $666. Well today Andrew informed me of a "Devil's Lunch" he bought at 7-11 consisting of;
- A chocolate Milk-to-Go
- A grab bag of Old Dutch Potato Chips (flavour undetermined)
- A small container of Dill Pickle Dip

It's cost $6.66. Then as we're talking about it, Blair from work breaks in and mentions that his bank account balance was recently $666. Now I'm not trying to panick anyone, but I think the apocalypse is coming. I think the coming of the date June 6, 2006 (6-6-06) might have something to do with it.

I have a theory that intentionally causing all of these events to happen will open a gate to hell which will signal the start of the apocalypse. I'm game, so I'll start tommorrow by buying the Devil's Lunch at 7-11.


The Navigator said...

I'll see what Satan's doing and if he's up to it.

katherine said...

a good way of preventing the apocalyspe is to read my new blog, as i am the reincarnation of christ and my blog is the word of Dog, i mean god.
check it out...