Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The Long Walk

I took Bootsy out for a long walk at Tatagwa Parkway - Signal Hill Trail and had a blast this afternoon. The trail is the more popular of the two Tatagwa Trails and as such has more garbage, vandalism and traffic, it does highlight some of the more beautiful aspects of Weyburn. It also highlited to me the growth of Weyburn as a city and how we will soon surround these natural wilderness. Rob speaks of the influence of man even deep in Stanley Park in Vancouver. It's happening here too Rob. Incidentlally, I've thought of a great way to keep everyone informed of walks and outdoor trips that I'll implement tonight. A ProBoards message board that we can all announce stuff like this on. I'll have more details here and by e-mail tonight.

Speaking of Rob, his girlfriend and friend and co-birthdayer to me, Kar has a blog of her own now. Called "Who Writes Blogs Anyway? Must Be Those Freaks" I've obeyed her first wishes on the blog and taken a picture ;

There, done. Should be a good read, she's not a big talker, maybe she's a wordsmith.

Jeff is now back to blogging full time, i seem to have convinced him it's the right path. Now all tha't s left to get blogging is Mark. If only there was a way to get him blogging.... hmmm.


Soulfood said...

I thought her name was Kat??? Well, welcome to the world of blogging, Kar!

OMG it happened again!! Is this a w or 2 v's??? I'm going to guess 2 v's.


I was wrong, it was a w. But now they give me a different "word"


The Navigator said...