Monday, October 03, 2005

I'm selling out

Yeah big whoop wanna fight about it. I'm getting ad-sense on this here blog. What does that mean for you? It means more content, updates more than once a day... more than three times a week. It means hopefully better content, like porno and stories of my dog (but not together).

For me it means I'm gonna start saving up for a new digital camera that I'm now nearly in desparate need of. Mine is on the rocks and nearly dead, so I gotta start working on a new -BETTER one now.

Also i fixed Bootsy's post as it was fucking with the H-Scroll, you're welcome Nathan.


  1. Thank-you. That post was driving me insane, you sell-out.


  2. How much money do you make by selling out? And just so you know, I don't hold it against you that your selling out, as long as you don't start sucking....Like Metallica( I guess they are gonna be on the simpsons soon....groan). If you can sell out and still be awesome, all the power to ya!

  3. Anonymous11:12 am

    yeah, if you litter your page with annoying ads, and an out of control h-scroll, people won't come

  4. Michelle...we all know that's you leaving the bitchy comments. So stop hiding your identity!!!!!


  5. Anonymous2:44 pm

    if i were you, i'd delete that, because that was actually me, being too lazy to sign in because i was on another computer...

    and i shoulda put a smiley face on the end, because i wasn't serious, i was just joking...

    just trying to hold it to the man! :)
