Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Please Remain Calm

Ladies and Gentlemen of my viewing group please remain calm for the following message.

The city of Saskatoon is under construction. Please remain calm. If you are in Saskatoon, please remain where you are, leaving your house will result in frustration, late arival times,nutt butt, detours, burnt out clutch syndrome and acute sensitivity to the colour orange.

If you are safe at home, please call you family and let them know you are allright. Stay put until the snow flies, at that time the city will refuse to clean the streets and you won't have to worry about traffic because you'll be stuck in your driveway. Remember, it could be worse, you could be stuck in Regina.

More on this story as it develops.


Anonymous said...

well geez I was looking for info on your eyes not on Sk'toon stupid streets and construction, that's why I hate that city! you can't get anywhere!

Soulfood said...

Yeah, and you're a bitch.

Anonymous said...

bite me bitch!

Anonymous said...

and you still didn't answer my question losers!!!

The Navigator said...

I like Monkeys. My paycheck ruled. 500 bucks...well, 475. And if things go my way, mom and Dad won't see too much of it cause I want to buy a cd player...my drives in my car really suck.

The Navigator said...

That is a very good question