Wednesday, September 21, 2005

OK so Michelle wants an update on the eyes I came to get checked here. I say fuck that son!

So Shanna and I came to this here internet cafe at the U of S called Browsers, so here I am, blogging at an internet cafe... another check on the list. I should make and "ultimate places to blog from" list. To date they would be (including a check on which I've completed).

- Home Computer (check)
- Work Computer (check)
- From a cell phone (not yet)
- From a blackberry (not yet)
- From an internet TV (check)
- From the woods (not yet)
- From a rooftop or exceedingly high place(not yet)
- From an internet cafe (CHECK)
- From a library (check)
- From a public bathroom (not yet)
- From underground (not yet, your basement doesn't count)
- From another continent (not yet)
- From in a car (not yet)

SO there it is to date, any suggestions are welcome.

Shanna and I went tearing around the U of S campus last night. We saw a bajillion cool things. Included are ; a bunch of dinosaurs (T-Rex, Triceratops, raptor, that one with the plates on his back), some cool rocks and crystals, THE BIGGEST ASS KOI I'VE EVER SEEN (Like 30 lbs EACH), SOme cool aquariums with chiclids and some wicked sturgeon, the Thorvaldson Building with the large concrete cube that is reputed to contiain Throvaldsons wheelchair bound remains inside (check the photo lab in a couple days to see a picture of me sitting on it), the airplane room (a room with hundreds of paper airplanes stuck in it's incredibly high ceiling, rumor has it that WW2 fighter pilots were trained there and threw the planes there, if their plane fell, they had died in the war), John Deifenbakers grave (where I made an inappropriate joke and suddenly my digi cam wouldn't work, so I apologized and it worked again... weird) and the cool atrium and glass elevator at the Agriculture Building.

Wow any one of those things would have made a blog entry. Really. Anyways, got the rest of the day ahead of me, but this is likely my las tone from here in S'toon for now!


The Navigator said...

Those Koi are huge!! I think any one of them could take a Great White any day.......except maybe Jaws.

Anonymous said...

Funny you should mention Mr. Thorvaldson, inventor of sulphate-resistant Portland cement, or Old Uncle Thorvie as he's known around here. The name was definitely not strange to me as it has been mentioned around the house. Small world alert: Mr. Thorvaldson is Galen and Evan's (roommates (of Kleinbottle fame)) great great uncle. They were very intrigued by the legend of the concrete block and await the photo with baited breath, as do I. There is also a lake named for him in Northern Saskatchewan.

Soulfood said...

Yeah, the Thorvaldson legend has been around for a long time. They tell all the first years it. It's hilarious.
