Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Paperwork to catch up on

So here are several things I've been meaning to catch up on.

First, Dave from CCCP's girlfriend, Amanda has a blog called In the Image of God. An interesting look at her life and cutely enough, the femal comaninon template to Dave's. Or David's if you prefer.

Rob posted his collection of photos from the Canoe trip. They can be viewed at his Shutterfly account. Now you can see the dumbass hat I wear when I go camping.

After a rough go with her last blog and a false start on a new one, Shanna has re-emerged with a new blog called Hecticity. She suggested... well inadvertantly, a new place to post on your blog, from class... I think I'm gonna make a contest.....


Soulfood said...

Oh, I would so take him to the Souris Valley Therapeutic Animal Zoo. Fun stuff!!! Except I don't think that place is open right at the moment. But it would eventually happen!!


The Navigator said...

How about a contest where you get to enter lyrics for the new Oligodendroglia cd...OH WAIT!!! There already is one!!! SO ENTER IT!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!


The Navigator said...

sorry..I meant www.pylonics.tk