Monday, September 19, 2005

Paycheque thy name is Evil

Ok so swear to God, I had to go pick up my paycheque after work at DQ tonight. So I went, picked it up and well let's just say the amount I'm being paid is decidedly evil. See for yourself.

MY SWEET JESUS! I think I'm gonna hafta go get myself an exorcist and some holy water. And an asian whore. I hear they're good at warding off spirits.

Creepy shit...


Soulfood said...

Maybe the dark lord is trying to send you a message.

The Navigator said...

Ya, that was Fucked up man......I thought that when you showed me that cheque that Satan himself was gonna pop out of your chest and steal my soul leaving my dried husk of a corpse left in the lobby of the Inn while my soul endured torture beyond anyones wildest dreams.

Anonymous said...

Andrew (well and Jeremy) you need a hobby!!! and no a food and gun store with a moat and sharks does not apply!!!