Monday, October 20, 2008


So I got a tetanus shot this weekend. Was helping my dad put in some new windows in Swift Current this weekend and while throwing out the old ones at the land-fill, put a shingle nail in my foot. Hurt like a damn bastard. Decided to head to the hospital and get a shot just in case.

Gotta say, 2 days later, the shot is worse than the wound. But now I'm covered for a decade, so next time I need a shot the baby will be in Grade 5 and Tai will be off to college... so I'll have bigger things to worry about.

Had a good time in Swift Current. It was the first time I've had a girl over night at my parents house... and this time I brought 3! Grandma and Grandpa had some fun with their recently accquired granddaughters and Tai is learning the fine art of subtly coercing her Grandparents (replaceing "Can I have Dairy Queen" with "Boy an ice cream would be good on a day like this")

Back to work today. I need to get my record label making money, I don't know how to keep myself sane working on buildings for the next 29 years to retirement.


Soulfood said...

That reminds me. I need to update my Tetanus shot. I think I'll wait until I have health insurance again. If I ever do...stupid restaurant industry. I wonder if my student plan covers it...

Just the thought of retirement depresses me. And the thought of staying in any job from now until retirement is an unbearable thought. I get the feeling that I'll be jumping not only jobs, but career paths in general once every 2-3 years for the rest of my life.

Mrs. Squish said...

I do believe tetanus is free, and I mean the vaccination and not the disease.

Pilot said...

The disease is free too... I know a pile of shingles in Swift where we can all play!

The Navigator said...

I cut myself on barbed wire at work all the time and I stepped on nails before and you don't see me going off crying to the