Monday, October 27, 2008

Rhonda's Meme

Ok, had actually said to myself that I need to do less of these, but this was actually a pretty good one, so I decided to go for it.

1. Have you ever had stitches? -I had 5 stitches after being hit in the head by a baseball bat in Grade 5. The poor girl who did it I think was forever guilty about it, and I feel bad about that because I've never felt she was responsible. I've long placed blame on the supervising teacher who kept telling me to get closer and closer to the plate when I was playing catcher. After the doctor put the stitches in, he wrapped my head with gauze straight around so it made my hair stick up. My dad kept calling me Bart Simpson and offered to cut little ridges in the top so I'd be cool at school. My dad is a loser.

2. Favorite non-musical sound? -Soda in a cup, pee on a toilet bowl, baby giggles, baby breathing, baby cooing, Rhonda bobbing her finger up and down on Kayah's lips while she's crying (it makes a bad thing hilarious), the sound of a guitar string breaking, particularily on an acoustic guitar, the sound of my mom's old vegetable peeler peeing veggies, it had this loose handle and made a weird sound, meat cooking on a grill, woodlands... birds in particular.

3. Future career? - I want to get the label going. I'd like to tend a large piece of land someday, but I'm not sure if I'm in for the whole full fledged "farming" thing. Still working on that one.

4. Guiltiest pleasure? - My goodness if I told you it wouldn't be that guilty. Be assured they exist, they are indeed guilty and someday, I might write a book about them.

5. Favorite child hood memory? - Quite a few, I was a pretty lucky kid. Visiting my aunts and uncles in Slave Lake AB, getting my first guitar, Andrew being born (a BROTHER!), meeting the REAL santa, going to Gopherville, Going camping in Manitoba with the Lopinskis, summer camp in Kenosee, basically every single jam with Dulcet, building and award-winning sand-castle with Courtney and Michelle, fishing with Dad, building models with Dad, getting my room in the basement. Lots of good stuff.

6. Favorite thing from my child hood I want my kids to experience? - Gopherville, but I hear its gone. Going to camp, Coming home from camp. Having a paperroute. Being a big brother (sorry kids, guess I'll keep that one)...

7. A "must-do" on the "to-do" list? - Get to work on the house. Our limited incomes at the moment is precluding anything but the most basic home re-pairs and changes, but I'd really like to get a few coats of paint on the walls and cupboards, some new floors in the kitchen, entrancesn and bathroom and get the counter-tops re-done. The outside of the house needs a coat of paint too and the back awning is gonna cave in the next couple years if I don't repair it soon.

8. What are you giving up right now due to the failing economy? - Not much. What limits I have are imposed because of Rhonda being off work, not the economy. In fact with gas prices down I think about driving around more... but I don't do it because that would be wrong and kill baby seals. The only thing the failing economy has done is make me more worried for no real reason.


Soulfood said...

1. Hehe, I remember that.
2. Her vegetable peeler PEEING!? Eww.
3. Tend a large piece of land? My suggestion is to start by getting yourself a gun! But hide it from the children of course.
4. Thank you for leaving out the details.
5. I'm not in here. :(
6. Having a paper route!? I get it're one of those EVIL fathers.
7. Being a homeowner sucks. Renting yay!
8. Don't drive! It's evil and especially in the winter, is more hassle than it's worth!

The Navigator said...


Anonymous said...

Baby Seals deserve to die. Sure they are cute now but when they grow up they are FUGLY. That's why everytime I make a trip up north I take my flame thrower and torch them all. Yes I'm that shallow.