Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ok I give up

I've had so much trouble finishing my Beijing saga that I just give up. Everyday I don't finish it is a day I'm not blogging about something else. So let's just say I got arrested, again, got SARS and ended up eating meecrob until my ass fell out and they sent me home.

That'll do.

So been a flurry of stuff the past month or so. Played Field Fest with Linger a few weeks ago. Pretty good deal. The band has broken up and re-formed as a new group featuring the Roman Bros. - Dave and Vic, the Pilon Bros. - Me and Andrew and the one and only Scotty T. We're finalizing our name and will start work on our new material next weekend. I think everyone is very excited, we've got a new - more stable guitarist and we're going to be playing music that we've all evenly contributed and written. Linger was getting very stale for everyone in the band and it was creating tension. The past couple months have been a rocky transition, but by probably spring next year we'll be rippin' and raring for our first gig and should hopefully melt some face and brains with the new material. I don't think anyone has any idea yet what it's gonna sound like, but I'm sure it will be rockin' and progressive... and overly technical if I'm jusdging everyone correctly.

Maent Records has been stuttering and stalling. I'm home on a sick day today (the SARS) so I'm gonna do a quick update on the home page and get some info out for people. We've completed our first release a short-run CD-EP by the one and only Johnny Rockstar. We had our first sale a few weeks ago, so we're making that red number a bit smaller now. We're trying to organise and re-tool the company right now as things got WAY out of hand in the beginning there and we were spending more time trying to meet expectations of others without making our own footprint in the industry which was our goal in the first place. But things are getting better and expect to see more from the crew in late October/early November.

Getting the house together the past few weeks and I'd be well on my way if I wasn't knocked on my ass by this fucking SARS shit. Got the garage totally cleaned out (thank you Used Regina!) and am half way though getting the practice/writing studio/tv room/chill area/general purpose room cleaned out and storage back to where it needs to be. I need to find a couple quality folding tables and get some more plugs installed in the room, but that shouldn't be too much of a challenge. Finally having the freedom to get the house together and make it liveable is a massive load off my mind and I actually look forward to more cleaning and organizing. I've never been mister neat, and add to that some of the shall we say "self-created retardedness" of the past 10 years or so haven't made it any better, so finally finding myself in a place in life where I can fix my problems instead of making them is very zen.

Baby is rolling all over the place and likes to "talk" all the time. She's very cute, but can also be very fussy and grumpy at times. But she's getting better.

Anyhoo, election coming up. Please don't vote Conservative in the coming Canadian election people. You'd only be shooting yourselfs in the foot. Unless you own a big Corporation. Then maybe you'd be ok. I'm throwing my clout behind the Green Party again. I'm tired of sacrificing my values in an attempt to knock off another party. I know the Green Party is an awfully constrained way to run a party, but I think if democracy was run properly, there would be a multitude of parties like them and we'd have more expertise on issues instead of the general approach attached to an idiom that we currently have.


Soulfood said...

Yay! Blogging! :D

Good luck with the SARS!

The Navigator said...

You gotta get me a copy of Johnny much is it??