Wednesday, August 30, 2006


OK OK I know you're all waiting with baited breath for my review/synopsis of the Calgary/Esterhazy extravaganza... well it's gonna wait a little longer. Had a busy/tired week.

BUT I do have some cool/awesome/great news. My band, Old Skool will be rocking the people of Kipling THIS SATURDAY at 5:30 at the One Red Paperclip housewarming Party. Come one come all. I'll have more info tommorrow, I just wanted to let you all know so you could make plans.



Soulfood said...

Is Andrew going?? I'll totally hook a ride to that party!!!

The Navigator said...

I gots to work.

Radio Girlie said...

Awesome...we're doing a story to promote it on the may just have to 'slip' that the band Old Skool is performing!!

Anonymous said...

I'll see you there with my rowdy crew of Italians from Thunder Bay. Two of them are friends of Mr. MacDonald's so it should be a fun weekend. These guys party very hard so if you see me and I'm not making any sense don't take offence.

Unfortunately Alice Cooper won't be there but it will be an incredibly massive crowd from all over I'm sure. And both the original red paperclip and the house will be there.

Anonymous said...

what the hell, i'm in...

good deal for you guys!