Sunday, November 13, 2005

A Look Into the Destinations of Pilot's World

I really don't feel like blogging anymore. blogging as an artform is about expressing yourself. And yet the times I've truly expressed myself here, I've been told I shouldn't or am wrong. It discourages the reality of what this is. I might have a billion readers on this blog, I write it for me. I'm going to post the remainder of my pre-written drafts over the next week as I contemplate some things.

Fuck anyone who thinks I should silence myself. This is my blog and I will say, show or do whatever the fuck I want. You don't like it, leave.


It's growing. Frankly when I started this beast, I was pretty ambitious, but I never thought it would get this out of hand. But hey it's fun and I still have a life beyond this computer so that's cool. And now you're tour guide to the destinations of Pilot's World to date.

Pilot's World - The Blog - Updated with as much regularity as I can muster, this is really the heart and soul of Pilot's World. I look at it as the newspaper of my life. If you're reading this, it's likely you know what the blog is about, stupid articles and my life.

Pilot's World Webcam - Started as a viewport into the life of a spider I caught, it has also been used to monitor the new Digicam fund (the jar is still there, and maybe we'll check it out more soon) and to look out my front window. I want to expand on this webcam, with webcams of friends and such.

Pilot's World Store - A vain attempt at making some money. I'm really only starting the store to practice up for a future project. But hey, if you wanna buy something, I'll keep adding stuff and you can help me get closer to that new DigiCam.

Producer School - Sometimes I feel really gung ho about this. Other times, I don't care. But I made Producer School to be a continuous reference of my progress so that I COULD diverge from the path and when I came back I'd know where I was.

Flikr Photo Album - all of the early images for Pilot's World were hosted here and the template images are still referenced from here. Blogger now hosts photos for you, so I rarely use the service any more.

Pilot's World Photolab - A part of the site I wish I worked on more. I have hundreds of pictures I'd like to share and it is my intention to do so. Actually has been secretly the most controversial section of my site. Don't bother looking, the controversial bits have been removed (I hope).

Pilot at Ourmedia - Still working on this section. Once I figure this all out, I'll be hosting sound files and video files from this host. Whenever that may be.

Pilot at GarageBand - I've been doing GarageBand far longer than Pilot's World, but I still count it part of the page. i think my reviews are fairly entertaining and I know I've really liked some of the bands I've heard. I may eventually get a GarageBand Greatest Hits radio station going as I have that in my power there.

Pilot's World Development Lab
- In itself, this is under development.

The Pylon - A new defunct project I started with Shanna and ran with Steve and Andrew. It is the precursor to another project I intend to start sometime in the new year.

Other sites that I feel are integral parts of the Pilot's World environment, but are not necessarily in the network include the WMD homepage, The GTO Sunrise Board and the Tri Province Adventure Club Board.


Soulfood said...

Jeremy...did you have porn on your photolab??? You know, on the internet, that's ok! Not controversial at all.


Steven said...

Yeah... you're right... no controversy there at all anymore. Anyways, I've always found when you express yourself to be perhaps the most entertaining part of this blog. If you do stop blogging, I'll sure miss your day to day quips and anecdotes.

The Navigator said...

Indeed. Plus your one of the guys who influenced me to start blogging and if you stop, I'll have to beat you for it! YOu just have to keep telling yourself that you don't have to post everyday. Only when you have something you need written down. You've been using it as entertainment for others so much that when your not entertaining them, you feel as though you've left them hanging.

Wow, I feel like a smarter DR. Phil

Pilot said...

And more attractive.