Thursday, October 06, 2005

Walking with Bootsy

Probably the hardest but most rewarding part of now owning a beagle is their insatiable energy and untruswortiness off a leash. This causes me to take Bootsy on long and frequent walks for everything from potty breaks to simple exercise. While on these walks I see alot more that I would have previously missed. I've learned to appreciate my surroundings more and see alot more of the world and my community. It's also increased the bond between me and my dog.

What most facinates me are the hidden and forbidden places. Like for example abandoned or unused buildings. There are several in Weyburn and it never ceases to amaze me how these huge once bustling buildings are now empty and cold. Also neat are the hidden places, small parks and hidden paths. I know I'm not the first person to discover or use these places and paths, but they are not places I would normally visit. I look forward to winter coming so that I can see the paths that I can't see in summer and follow the escapades of another person... or animal.

Submitted for your enjoyment today are some of the photos I took on one of those walks last week. they are availiable at my Shutterfly account under the album "Me n' Bootsy". These are mostly from the Tatagwa Parkway here in Weyburn on the Redcoat Trail.


  1. I don't think Bootsy likes being on camera. The picture you have of her on here is the only one where she's actually looking at the camera!!!!
