Wednesday, October 05, 2005

To do with Sponsorship

Ok folks to keep me honest during my scandalous sellout weeks to come, I've created the "New Digital Camera Fund". The finest bank account money can buy (the old sauerkraut jar that held "Brain" and "The Un-Named Spider") now holds the funds I am raising for my new digital camera. It can also be viewed at the Pilot's World Webcam! Advertising on all the Pilot's World Network is provided by Google Adsense, a pretty cool tool I might note... very easy to implement. If you're wondering why you can't see the ads yet, Google informs me that it takes up to 48 hours for them to scan my page and assign appropriate advertising.

I have set up my Ourmedia page which will soon feature all my non-photographic or text based media. Included will be videos, sound clips, songs, maybe some software and more. You can visit the page here.

Check out here tommorrow morning, I should have some new Pics up of Bootsy and some of our walks around town.

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