Thursday, October 06, 2005

It is 1:37:22

Yes that's the EXACT time the girl at 7-11 toldme it was. Not "twenty to two" not "one forty". In reply to my question "do you have the time?" the girl at the counter replied "it is one-thirty-teven-twenty-two" thank god she gave me the seconds or I would have been late.

Bootsy and I went to 7-11 after our first successful visit to the vet this afternoon. She had her first checkup with Dr. Andrea ClarkeIt all checked out well, she's in perfect health. The doctor felt that Bootsy was certainly a year and a half old if not two years old. Pretty good shape all around, I'm gonna hafta contact the Estevan Humane Society tommorrow and get her medical history... as well as any other history that I can find.'

All I know is I think Bootsy drank her big gulp too fast... look at her! Pretty tuckered out!


  1. Are you serious??? Big gulps make dogs fat?? Wow.


  2. cute....and Does she ever smell stuff...MAN!!!

  3. She smells everything.. I think she can smell the Big Bang... christ it took us 45 minutes to walk to the vet and the vet's only like 5 blocks away.
