Monday, August 29, 2005

Positive Blogging Week!

So it's positive blogging week according to Steve at Blogginator. This doesn't seem to be a regular event... just when Steve is in a good mood or emo'd out (yeah i made up that word.. "out"). So I'm gonna keep it positive and not write about my favourite band Good Charlotte.

So I know you're all dying to know... "What did you do this weekend Pilot, you always seem to have the most interesting weekends?!"

Well, i'l tell you.

Didn't do much Friday night, went and hung out with Shawna. Went to work at 6:30 on Saturday morning. I'd explain why I had to go in at 6:30, but I'm keeping it positive. After work I hung for a bit (ie. fell asleep on the couch), then went out skateboarding with Rob and Kat. Had fun, but I really suck and my board is apparantly exceptionally bad. Needs lube. Then Rob and I went to his parent's house, built a bonfire and jammed all night.

Worked Sunday at 8, then right after work, Jeff, Kim and I went out to Souris Valley and had a huge waterfight. Some pretty intensley cool shit. I had so much fun, my skin fell off and I had to go to the hospital and have it reattached.

And today I started work at 5AM, the first of 4 -5AM starts this week. I kind liked coming in that early. realy laid back and peaceful.. and I get to go home at 1:30!

And the leads me to now, contemplating organizing my computer and stuff. Don't forget to check out Brain on my webcam, he has a grasshopper he's been munching on and he has a web now. If anyone has a better container I can put him in, send her along!


  1. I so totally LOVE Good Charlotte!!!


  2. Kat is your sister??? Wow, I know nothing. I don't really know her or you, but I hear enough about the two of you. But I've never been informed that you're siblings. Wow. The stuff you learn through blog comments.


  3. Yay! I have meager influence over people! Thanks for keeping it positive Pilot!
