Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Song LInes.... GUESS!

Ok so I got this idea from this guy who apprantly got it from this guy.

The basic idea is I put my Media Player on random, pick a line from the first 25 songs that play and YOU GUYS hafta guess what song they're from. No Googling (or Yahoo!ing) or anything like that. Just if you know it off the top of your head. So here we go!

As you guys guess them right, I'll cross them out. Correct answers in Red and italics. Correct guessers have their initials.

Some hints for you in blue. Some of these you guys should have gotten. Shame on y'all!

1. "Heard they called you big bopper nigger, how ya figgah niggah?" sequel to a deadly song.. a rarity
2. "I do hope you fit this shoe, I do hope you have a clue" RH "About a Girl" Nirvana
3. " Open wrist talks back again, In the wounds of its skin, They'll pinprick the witness, In ritual contrition"Former members of At the Drive In
4. "Don't forget that you are our son, now go back to bed" he's a creep... he's a loser
5. "Let's play Twister, Let's play Risk!" MB "Man on the Moon" REM
6. "I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride it where I like" NB, SP, AP - "Bicycle Race" Queen
7. "Today is the first day of the rest of our lives, tommorrow is too late to pretend it's allright now." - this song is from before they were American Idiots
8. "Dead on my head, wasting time on my own" the video features motorbikes apeltny.
9. "The needle tears a hole. That old familliar sting." NB, AP "Hurt" - Nine Inch Nails
10. "I'm treading so soft and lightly compromising my will. I am." RH "Rose" Perfect Circle
11. "Mother, do you think she'll put me in the firing line?" NB "Mother" Pink Floyd (Not Knockin Shan!)
12. "I first produced my pistol, then produced my rapier" AP "Whiskey in the Jar" Metallica
13. "When I frequent the spots that I'm known to rock, you hear the bass from the truck when I'm on the block." he brought Snoop a gang of tanqueray and a fat ass J of some bubonic chronic that made him choke. Shit this ain't no joke.
14. "Just a castaway, I am lot at sea, another lonely day, no one here but me." RH "Message in a Bottle" The Police
15. "i want to hide, I want to tear down the walls that hold me inside" - Millitary spy plane downed in the 70's
16. "Roll, roll the '83 Caddilac Coupe de Ville" he was gonna clean his room, but he got high
17. "Leave me lying here, 'cause I don't wanna go" MP "Volcano Girls" Veruca Salt
18. "Blue birds, singing a song, nothing but blue skies all day long." the Redheaded Stranger
19. "papa, I know you're gonna be upset, because I was always your little girl" NB "Pappa Don't Presch" - madonna
20. "I'm feeling sexy, but I hear you say my name, if you can reach me, you can feel my burning flame." - she's a naughty girl
21. "Pissing in the wind, betting on a losing freind, making the same mistakes we swore we'd never make again." old school country, the name of the song is in the line.
22. "and so once again, oh America my friend" RH "Fiddle and Drum" A Perfect Circle
23. "All that summer we enjoyed it, wind and rain and shine, that umbrella we employed it, by August she was mine." SP "Bus Stop" the Hollies
24. "Warm sun, feed me up" RH "Swallowed" Bush
25. "I've been hanging around gas stations, I've been learning about tires." MB "Running Back to Saskatoon" The Guess Who.

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  1. 22. Bus Stop - The Hollies
    I love that song!!!

    And I knew #6, but Nathan got to it first.


  2. Wait, I think I know another one.

    11. Knockin' on Heaven's Door

    It has been sung by many people. I have a version by Avril Lavigne, but I believe it is originally a Bob Dylan song. I could be wrong, but I can't go check on Google according to the rules of this post.

    OK, I just listened to my version and this line is not there...but it seems like it should be from this song. So I'm going to stick with my guess...maybe it's from the original version.


  3. 6. Bicycle - Queen
    9. Hurt - NIN
    12. Whiskey in the Jar - Metallica

  4. Anonymous2:08 pm

    2. about a girl - nirvana
    10. rose - a perfect circle
    14. message in a bottle - the police
    22. fiddle and the drum - apc or joni mitchell
    24. swallowed - bush

    you guys are losers

  5. Well, I may have been wrong, but at least I tried!!! And I didn't cheat, otherwise I would have gotten it right !! hahaha.


  6. OMG, I was all like, I so got #23 right...but I accidentally wrote 22 in my previous comment. So let me correct it.

    23. Bus Stop - The Hollies


  7. Anonymous9:03 pm

    17- Veruxa Salt- Volcano Girls

    All the rest I knew were taken, stupid jerks!

  8. 15 sounds familiar.....I should have gotten those A Perfect Circle ones

  9. Anonymous12:28 am

    5. Man on the Moon - REM
    25. Running Back to Saskatoon - Guess Who

  10. Anonymous3:57 pm

    as for the mars volta reference, i know the song, yet i would never have known that's what he said...

    and i don't listen to gangsta rap, nor old school country...

  11. 7 is a Green Day song I'm guesing

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