Saturday, August 27, 2005

Big Things a Heppening!

First of all I'd like to announce two new additions to Pilot's World. First is an addition to the Network.. .the Pilot's World Webcam, accesible at

Secondly and related to the first is the introduction of the first Pilot's World pet, Brain. Brain is a spider I caught in my sisters room... mere feet from where I caught the mouse the other day. Yes our house is infested. I'm currently keeping him in a skippy can, but if i can fins a cool box or something, I'll be moving him. I'd also like to give him some more landscaping and start catching him some food. You can view Brain at the Pilot's World Webcam. Any suggestions or stories about Brain are much appreciated, and I think I'm gonna put a guestbook up with the webcam.

I've opened up all my Shutterfly albums and they are now availiable at the newly minted Pilot's World Photo Lab at Shutterfly, accesible at Included are several of my albums including new pics added to the Cabin Party Album by Jeff and the COMPLETE photo album from the Canoe Trip from July. More pics will be coming.

I;ve decided to abandon the "these are the Days of My Life" feature. i realized that to catch up even in the course of a year I would have to do 25 days Every day for the next year steady. I was doing 60 per week.. I'd never catch up. So I'm gonna retire that idea before it gets too out of hand.

And finally I'm gonna go vegetarian after my next paycheque (this coming Friday). I'm gonna gorge myself on my "last Supper" (Steak), then embark on a new life. One month later I will take on Big Caffene, in an effort to kick my Pepsi Habit. Tonnes of great new material here and much more fun to come!


  1. Your spider is boring. You should have kept the mouse alive. He would have been interesting. Or you could come live with me and we'll get a bunny rabbit.


  2. Shanna, remember what happened last time you two took care of a rabbit..I came home and he was gone.

  3. OK. Jeremy's the one who gave him a bath. I so did not kill my bunny!!!


  4. Going vegetarian, eh?

    I knew you'd crack....

    Seriously though, I'm happy for you, it's a tough choice to make...just promise to be healthy about it.

  5. Anonymous9:09 pm

    Ok, I swear there must be like a hole in my wall which is letting in critters into my room! That or Jeremy is planting them...I never found any until he moved in....hmmm Suspicious, I think so!

    On another's going to be mighty hard to kick and meat and caffeine habit living in the presence of a girl who's trying to increase her protein intake (re meaT!) and will NEVER kick the caffeine habit, christ I'm a freakin' teacher we need it to survive screaming children all day long!
