Friday, August 26, 2005

Don't read if your brain cannot handle GODLY POWER

The following is an MSN conversation between myself and Steven Matthew Biss IV (Or Stevie Fo' as i like to call him). In the course of this conversation we discuss and conclude some facts of epic, biblical and God related porportions. The information to follow will change the way the world works and the way we view life as it exists.

Those of limited capacity, pregnant, suffering from heart, brain or spleen conditions, the elderly, infirm, young, virgin, right handed, nearsighted, tired, hyper, redheaded, suffering from acute meningitis, polio or jaundice, tax exempt, visible minority, visible majority or with teeth should be warned that the contents could be potentially deadly.

Proceed with Caution!

Pilot says:
are you sure about the prediction in your username?

Ah yes, the octopii shall attack from the sky at nightfall. (Beware the Tendrils) says:
Yeah, I made a craft with kids was an octopus...and the way I made FLEW.

Ah yes, the octopii shall attack from the sky at nightfall. (Beware the Tendrils) says:
When twirled.

Pilot says:

Ah yes, the octopii shall attack from the sky at nightfall. (Beware the Tendrils) says:
Yeah.....good old Toilet paper roll octopii.

Pilot says:
he he... I think that's what god originally used to make octopii

Ah yes, the octopii shall attack from the sky at nightfall. (Beware the Tendrils) says:
Maybe he used that for all his creations.

Pilot says:
could be

Ah yes, the octopii shall attack from the sky at nightfall. (Beware the Tendrils) says:
I feel the need to be wrapped in paper towel sometimes.

Pilot says:
the trick woul dbe to reverse engineer all forms of life into toilet paper rolls

Ah yes, the octopii shall attack from the sky at nightfall. (Beware the Tendrils) says:
I suppose if he had some sort of machine.

Ah yes, the octopii shall attack from the sky at nightfall. (Beware the Tendrils) says:
Like a back to the basics machine perhaps.

Pilot says:

Pilot says:
toilet paper rolls and milk cartons.. that's what we're made of

Ah yes, the octopii shall attack from the sky at nightfall. (Beware the Tendrils) says:
It's so simple.....oh God you devil.

Pilot says:
he's a sneaky old bastard ain't he?

Ah yes, the octopii shall attack from the sky at nightfall. (Beware the Tendrils) says:
I'll say, you'd think he have to use some organic tissue somewhere....but the man is a freakin' God.

Pilot says:
yeah.. I mean really think about it.... women from ribs.

What all those scientists don't realize is they don't need stem cells, they need toliet paper rolls

Ah yes, the octopii shall attack from the sky at nightfall. (Beware the Tendrils) says:
We could advance the human race millions of years with this, don't you realize?

Ah yes, the octopii shall attack from the sky at nightfall. (Beware the Tendrils) says:
Perhaps this knowledge is too great for two men to know.

Pilot says:
perhaps we need simply to keep it hush hush... or maybe I'm gonna post this conversation on my blog tommorrow and advance the cause of humanity to GODHOOD!

Ah yes, the octopii shall attack from the sky at nightfall. (Beware the Tendrils) says:
No! Why would you do that?

Ah yes, the octopii shall attack from the sky at nightfall. (Beware the Tendrils) says:
Oh...right...the fame.

Ah yes, the octopii shall attack from the sky at nightfall. (Beware the Tendrils) says:
If you must, in the cause of science, then proceed.

Pilot says:
right, and plus, it'll have a disclaimer

Ah yes, the octopii shall attack from the sky at nightfall. (Beware the Tendrils) says:
Yes, something like "Don't read if your brain cannot handle GODLY POWER"

Pilot says:
exactly... infact that will hafta be the title...

Ah yes, the octopii shall attack from the sky at nightfall. (Beware the Tendrils) says:
Makes sense to me.

Ah yes, the octopii shall attack from the sky at nightfall. (Beware the Tendrils) says:
*cough* You'll edit out that one part though, right?

Pilot says:

Pilot says:
which part?

Ah yes, the octopii shall attack from the sky at nightfall. (Beware the Tendrils) says:
You know, where I told you that big huge, dark secret of mine.

Pilot says:
oh you mean about how you....

Ah yes, the octopii shall attack from the sky at nightfall. (Beware the Tendrils) says:

Pilot says:
yeah that's safe with me

Ah yes, the octopii shall attack from the sky at nightfall. (Beware the Tendrils) says:
Whew, thanks man.

Pilot says:
No prob... goat licker

Ah yes, the octopii shall attack from the sky at nightfall. (Beware the Tendrils) says:
What!! You freakin' idio...I mean....uh...ha ha good one Pilot...

Ah yes, the octopii shall attack from the sky at nightfall. (Beware the Tendrils) says:
You joker.

Pilot says:
uh yeah.. he he

Ah yes, the octopii shall attack from the sky at nightfall. (Beware the Tendrils) says:
Heh....*shifty eyes*

Pilot says:
*looks at ground, coughs, scratches kneck*

Ah yes, the octopii shall attack from the sky at nightfall. (Beware the Tendrils) says:

1 comment:

  1. Ok, we have all known for years that Steve is a goatlicker...and that he is a mentally retarded person with godly looks.......All riiiight!
