Sunday, July 17, 2005

My last couple days

Don't really have much to pst, but hey no one else in my blog "circle" has posted for like 3 days, so I guess the ball lies with me.

So Friday as I said was my birthday. My buddy Ed took me out and got me ripped. So I spent most of yesterday hung over. The great part of that is that I discovered something in my unwillingness to leave the couch. On a Saturday afternoon with a Bell ExpressVu satellite dish, you can watch the Simpsons from 12-noon untill 8:00 PM straight through without seeing the same episode twice. Normally I would have gotten bored, but I was too afraid to move.

Went and played poker with the guys from work today. Hadn't played Texas Hold'em much, so I went and practiced at first. Lost all my money last night. Went tonight. Actually did pretty good. I didn't win, but I probably put in the least amount of money of anyone, so that was cool.

Did some packing yesterday and today I threw out a bunch of shit. I am so not prepared to move. Oh well, I'll manage I suppose, I've done it with less time before.

Well off to the sac I suppose... or maybe just watch a movie.

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