Monday, July 18, 2005

Chubby GOOD!

In 2000-2001 the internet was a different place. Flash 4 had been released and with it anyone with a cartoon idea could make their own animated shorts. One would think this would breed a mountain of shit (see Newgrounds), but at the time, it didn't. Legendary sites such as Spumco (ren and Stimpy, The Goddamn George Liquor Show), Killfrog (Bad Clues, Ultimate Survivor), Joe Cartoon (Superfly, Gerbil toons and the Blender!), The Romp (Bill and Ted and eeuck... Booty Call), Stick Flicks (JARNAK!), Camp Chaos (Napster BAD!), Icebox (Mr Wong) and many many more pushed animations envelope.

Then as soon as it started it flopped. many like Icebox, Spumco, The Romp and others either ceased to operate or dissappeared all together. The bubble popped and so much good was destroyed or lost.

But a few still exist and I tried to compile as many as I could to give you guys an idea of what there was.

Some were rescued by other companies, others are still in the hands of their creators. Check them out!
Jarnak @ StickyFlicks
Tako The Octopus
Camp Chaos (look for Napster Bad and Nipple Man)
Joe Cartoon.. Sold out, but still there!
Mr Wong - Icebox went tits up, but hey someone rescued Mr. Wong! I think I need to buy this DVD.

If you know of any more or have any cool modern cartoon sites you'd like to mention, comment on them!


  1. I don't know what you guys like. But one of my favourite cartoon series is called Tomorrow's Nobodies. It's just like 4 guys who've animated themselves. They submit their work to Newgrounds, but unlike most stuff there, their cartoons last for 15-20 minutes.

  2. I was at Camp chaos about a month ago looking at the old Napster videos..awesome shit!

  3. Anonymous10:55 pm

    did you fags ever watch eskimo bob
    that was pretty funny when I was twelve
