Saturday, July 16, 2005

So I'm not Moving

Nope... you heard right.

I got offered a job supervising the produce department at work, and that combined with a lack of any job to go to and the rockiness of my current relationship has made me come to the conclusion that staying put is the best course of action.

A bt of a last minute decision I know, but hey, I wasn't ready to leave town anyways. Maybe I'll head back to town around XMAS.

Some of you forgot to wish me a happy birthday yesterday. Shame on you.

And there's a new Blogger in town, Davage! My old buddy Dave decided to join the fray and his aptly titled blog "CCCP" is ready for review here.

Now I hafta add the bastard to my list.


1 comment:

  1. I totally phoned you. So ha! I wished you happy it was my MSN name for a few hours.
