Tuesday, February 01, 2005

I am Strolling Down Memory Lane - Without a Single Thing to Remember

So as I mentioned before I'm working on a portfolio project for my buddy Rob. The part I'm currently workng on has roots in something him and I did together a few years back, so in the effort to reproduce it, I've been going back to all the old files I used.

Talk about wow. I have so many website designs just lying around. Half started projects, finsihed projects that weren't used, proposals that were never picked up... the list goes on. I currently have saved on one CD or another like 4 portfolio attempts that I've made... I still haven't made one that I like.

I also found a video of my sisters bunny George, may he rest in peace. That little black ball of fur broke my heart a few years back, and I think a part of me died with him.

I'm gonna go cry now.

George and Me - Nov 2002

1 comment:

  1. IT'S MY BUNNY!!!!!!!

    OK, you so have to send me those pictures and that video cause I don't have them!!
