Monday, January 31, 2005

Takin' A Break

I've been staring at an eyeball for three hours, so I deserve a break.

Actaully I'm really glad I'm getting all these projects on my plate. It's reminding me that I really can enjoy this work, and also... it's better than flipping burgers. I might try and convince Shawna to move to Calgary with me and I'll take the SAIT course in a year or two. Who knows... I'm never able to make up my mind on this shit, so I think I'm just gonna stop telling people about my new ideas.

The Pylon has been up for a couple of weeks now. I's not going as smoothly as I thought it might, but that's fine. We're still in the preliminary stages, and we're gonna get better. Just need to get a few things off my plate first so I can concentrate on it more. Right now it seems all Shanna and I have time for is keeping up with the articles and newsetter. But I still want to update the design of the page and put up some better content. Hopefully someone comes along who wants to help out a bit. Even one article a week or a research helper would make a huge difference in how much we can get done on the page. Plus i have to get used to spellchecking my stuff. It's not that I can't spell... I can spell quite well. It's just that my keyboarding is bad, so I make alot of typing mistakes. The crappy spelling is fine here, it's part of the charm of this site, my un-edited thoughts typed out as fast as I can, but for The Pylon, it won't be enough.