Wednesday, February 02, 2005

the project

Man I think I'm in love.

I'm working on this protfolio project for my buddy Rob, as I think I've mentioned about 80 times. It really kicks some major ass so far. I love it. I hope rob likes it, because I'm really enjoying making it. The only argument I have is that I don't really like having to stop all the time, because it takes me like a hour to an hour and a half to get restarted.

But I have all day tommorrow to do it, so I should have it up and running by then.

As I mentioned yesterday, I've found a crapload of website "chunks". Stuff I started and never finished, or were never used or maybe I was just trying out some new idea/process and never intended to use the stuff. I'm all hyped about finding a way to use this stuff. Obviously portfolio work wouldn't do, but maybe something else would. Who knows... maybe I can just use the ideas later.

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