Thursday, January 20, 2005

Well of all the DAMN THINGS

Guess where I'm posting from... just guess. The FUCKING LIBRARY! Wanna know why?

Becasue my computer is now a useless foot stool. Dammit. So needless to say, I'm behind on a million projects, I left Shanna in the lurch for the pylon and I need to buy a new machine. Ain't life grand!

Its actually pretty funny. For being offline 6 days, the world has fallen apart. People have actually picked up the phone to get ahold of me.

So I'm heading into Prince Albert this weekend to get a new computer. Yay, a new toy!

1 comment:

  1. Well, it's Sunday night and I haven't seen you online yet which is worrisome, but maybe you had to work today. I don't know.

    Anyway, I so would have phoned you...and even before your computer broke...but I don't have long distance. So there.
