Thursday, January 13, 2005

Big New Announcement - Heal the World Final

So the project that Shanna and I have been working on was finally launched in earnest yesterday. Now it's pretty rusty and frankly maybe we should have waited for some spit-polish to be applied, but it's up and we're working on making it better.

The project is called The Pylon, and it is basically an entire website devoted to the idea of the "Heal the World" entries I've made in this blog. We are going to try and update the page on a daily basis, which should be possible with two people at the reigns. Right now I'm pulling my hair out trying to get the template for the page working. But that will come in time. So swing on by the page at, bookmark and visit often!

In other non-saving the world news, I found a wicked fun website, that in honesty reminds me of me. It's called the Half Bakery and it's just full of peoples half-baked ideas. It's too much fun... I spent too much time on it already.

1 comment:

  1. YOU found half-bakery??? Sure ya did. But yes, that website that I found is fun.
