Monday, January 24, 2005

Anyone know a good witch doctor.

So, I'm convinced. I'm fucking cursed. Sometime, somewhere I pissed some witch or some gypsy off and she silently placed a curse on me and now my life sucks.


Saturday morning, my car won't start... the battery that I've been meaning to change finally crapped out on me. Fuck. So I bought a new battery this morning, but I need to find time to put it in, so once again... I'm walking to work.

We went to PA this weekend. Had alot of fun, saw my Uncle and Aunt and the tireless redheaded 4 year old fireball we know as Sara. Went to a really dingy pool hall on Saturday night and neither Shawna nor I could shoot a ball straight all night. Judging by the condition of the tables, I might actually be abale to blame that one on the equipment.

Bought a computer Sunday afternoon, went out for Vietnamese, then drove 2-1/2 hours home. Carried my new computer upstairs, hooked it up and plugged it in.

It doesn't work.

I don't think there is even a HARD DRIVE in the fucking thing. It couldn't find the primary disk... not even in the BIOS or with my Windows XP install disk. So I'm left with a $1000 foot stool and I have to make another trip to PA Wed night or Thurs Morning. I hate everything and everyone forever!

So I'm posting from work.

Sometimes, I think I know where this stems from. God and I had a little tiff back in 1998 or 1999 and I think he's still giving me shit for it. You see I was planning this big barbecue for all my friends and I made a very public statement to everyone who attended, "God better not make it rain, he can hold off for one night. If he makes it rain, that's it, I'm not worshipping anymore... no more God for me, if he wants my faith, he can keep a clear sky for one night."

Well of course it poured buckets. I can still see my buddy Alex cooking a massive steak on the 'cue in this driving rain.

So naturally, my faith based activities have dwindled as a result of the deal I made. I'm thinking the big guy is kinda giving me a little "hey you think rain was a big deal, how about 7 years of shitty luck just because you're being a fucking moron". So maybe I need to re-examine my religious side. Or maybe I'm just unlucky.

1 comment:

  1. No way man...God hates everyone right now. EVERYONE!! I don't know what we did (other than all the sodomy) but he's pissed. Let me list his anger:

    1. Tsunami in Southern Asia area
    2. FOUR hurricans in Florida
    3. Mudslides in California AND BC
    4. Blizzards in places that don't have blizzards (Maritimes, NE US)
    5. Flooding
    6. Freezing Rain (that's us in Saskatchewan who are caught in the middle of the flooding and blizzarding)
    7. No Hockey
    8. Johnny Carson Died.

    So yeah, God hates us.

    Anyway, I'll keep the Pylon going for a while but man you need to do a mail out...cause I don't wanna!! Hope your computer woes are over soon and I'll see you online sometime.
