Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Make mine a double.

Got the car fixed, and paid for - $360 later. Oh well, I don't usually spend alot on my car, I'm a self-repairing kinda guy, so I can't complain.

Found another easy way to support the tsunami victims. The Canadian Red Cross has been putting boxes out at various establishments around town to collect change. I just popped a few bucks in there... since I have no credit card to donate online.

Been working really hard on the new SHIMA website (formerly SHRA). Got a new logo and I'm just about done the design. Gonna bill them soon... then maybe FINALLY I'll have some money to take a trip to PA or Saskatoon for a weekend of new wardrobe and theatre movies. Mostly movies.

I cut my index finger on the side of it. Not a big deal, didn't even really notice it till I played an "f" chord on my guitar the other day. Then I cried. If you wanna know the exact location of my wound, learn to play an F on the guitar, then look where the E-string is touching your index.... right there. Fuckers.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:45 pm

    This is Shanna...

    See, I have this theory. It's better to not have a car. You don't have to dig it out, pay for it, pay for plates, insurance, etc. It's just better all around.

    Freaky thing...I came home on the bus. There was blood on the bus. Perishable human blood. In boxes. So that's how they transport it. I thought they'd spring for a private courier...guess not.

    Yeah, you should come to Saskatoon for a weekend. You know you want to. Yeah...
