Tuesday, January 04, 2005

I'm C c c c COLD!


So after walking to work for the past month and a half in -30 Degree Celcius weather, I FINALLY get enough money together to fix my car. A simple fix.. I think... just needs a new belt no problem right? Wrong.

I took it in this afternoon to MacGyvers Garage. I felt good about this, I mean the guy's fucking name is MACGYVER!!! He should be able to fix anything. He calls me 45 minutes later and goes... "your power steering pump is screwed and its wrecking your belts, you'll have to fix the power steering, but I can't you'll have to take it to Andersons". So i pick up the car, buy the belt, go to Andersons, find out its gonna cost me about $300 and leave my car there. Since I just spent all my money on the belt, I had nothing left to get a cab home. So I had to walk 4k home in -+35 weather. I hate my life.

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