Thursday, January 06, 2005

Getting my life in order

So once again Shawna and I get into the discussion last night. "Jeremy you know what you need to do, go back to school." The usual reply is "Gee that's a great idea, what do you suggest I go back to school for, because I don't have a hot clue." Then there's a 45 minute conversation of her giving me ideas I hate and me giving ideas that involve pimping or completely giving up my life as I know it.

I don't know what I want. And frankly that is to me the most important admission. I'm sick and tired of the world insisting that everyone should know what they want. Granted, I know what I don't want, but I can't afford another $20,000 student loan without a good job to follow it, just because I'm sick of fast-food. I HATE the job I have right now, but frankly I can easily see myself in 4 years with triple the debt I currently have and still working at a McDonalds or a Harveys.

Plausible options for me so far have been; follow in the family business - become an electrictian(not sure of this one yet), become a teacher (expensive), become a chef (shitty hours), musical instrument repairman (expensive to get into and I think this is my sisters dream more than mine), music (I'd have to give up everything), back to New Media school (i think I hate new media and I don't think I can get a job anyway), buy/start some sort of business (risky and I'm not sure where I want to start).

On a happier note, check out You can make snowflakes, mine is saved as #6455888.. check it out.

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