Monday, November 15, 2004

Well there's always next season.

Well the Riders lost the Western final. I'd be madder, but the game was so close that I think BC and Saskatchewan should have played in the Grey Cup. But that is nearly impossible (but mathematically possible in the CFL) so I guess I can't cry too much. Word on the CFL home page is that some assholes vandalized Paul McCallums yard. Honestly some people need to grow the fuck up. We lost, barely to a team that wanted it just as bad as we did. It's frankly a miracle after how the season started that we made it as far as we did. I'm pissed really because I think Paul McCallum is one of my favourite players in the league and I hate to see his house vandalized just because he had a poorly placed bad day. I mean this guy is one of the best kickers to play CFL football.. give him some credit. I'm proud of you Paul, keep it up next season!

I played Scrabble against my sister the other night. It was tremendous fun. I also found a page with a bunch of 4-letter "C" words for my radio call list list on PilotsWorld so I'm working on the update that should be ready in a couple days.

Only 5 more days and I should have Clone High totally downloaded. I know it takes FOREVER sometimes... but it will be worth the wait. Next challenge is to find the collected works of Calvin and Hobbes. Seriously, someone should start a giant computer with all the collected knowledge, artistry.., basically anything made by man and put it in a vault somewhere so that we can save all this quality stuff forever. I know "the man" is adverse to this idea because of copyright law, but I argue that this project is something that would overshadow law. Its something mankind should do. Among other things I suppose... we do have those pesky starvation and AIDS problems to solve too. But maybe this could be used as a tool to help solve those problems... ah who knows.

Anyway, my rice is just about ready... I'm havin' Chinese!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:20 pm

    This is Shanna.

    OK, I won't rant about the Western Final. But fuck. You're damn straight there's always next year. Problem is, there's ALWAYS next year. Has been for 15 fucking years. 2nd year in a row we were a game away and didn't make it. Like Danny Barrett said, Burris played the best football game of his life. But when you leave it up to the kicker. Come on, give the guy a break. Yeah, some assholes vandalized his house AND they threatened his family. OK, it's just a fucking game people. A GAME!!!! He fucked up, he knows it, he blames himself (which he shouldn't) so cut the guy some slack. I know of no other kicker in the CFL who can kick the longest field goals, punt right where he wants to, make short kick-offs to his own players, and fake punts and throw accurately. Oh, and he's the only, ONLY kicker with the balls to actually tackle someone returning with the ball. The rest of the kickers are just pussies. So yeah, next year, we'll have the quarterback controversy that BC did with Nealon Greene and Henry Burris, but I still say we should have kept Kevin Glenn. Oh well though. GO RIDERS!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes, Scrabble was fun. I'm regretting it now since I have an essay due in...let's see...oh, about 16 hours and I haven't even typed a title yet. Although I never do the title until the end, but you get the point. Anyway, we'll have more time for Scrabble in December. Or at least I will.
