Sunday, November 14, 2004

Sending a Blog by e-mail

Ok so I'm trying out the e-mail your blog feature...
with my luck I'm typing all this and you'll never see

Got to talk to Shawna on MSN last night for like 2
hours. It was really nice, I'm pretty sad when it
comes to her. I think she's the only person in the
world I miss when she's not around. Seriously I've
lived alone in all sorts of god forsaken places, and
been fine, but now I can't go four days without getting
bored and lonely.

She was supposed to call me tonight and let me know
when she was gonna be home tommorow and she hasn't so
I'll just assume she's cheating on me or dead. No loss.

I read a blog earlier today; and in it, she suggested
something that I've been thinking about since the
election. She has different reasons, but they're still
good. The idea is that the rest of the develped world
should be allowed to vote for the US Election. My
argument is that they feel they are the leaders of the
free world, so the free world should be allowed to
choose who leads us. Her argument was that the rest of
the world (Europe in her case, Canada in mine) are so
by American culture and economics, that we should be
allowed a choice in them. Big fat chance that the
choice will ever come Monika, but we can always bitch
about it.

Tic-Tac-Toe sucks... I hate this game because two
half-smart people will never have a winning game.

Think I'm gonna clean all night. Yeah all NIGHT. I
hate cleaning, but somehow doing it at night helps..
don't ask me why.

Holy shit I just WON in Tic-Tac-Toe... in your face

Fuck now I lost... stupid game... I guess neither of us
are halfway smart. Well enough of that

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:22 pm

    This is Shanna.

    You don't miss me?? Well, no christmas present for you!!!!
