Friday, November 12, 2004

Holy Crap I'm a loser

So here I am on a Friday night, with a whole free weekend ahead of me and what am I doing? Making a second blog entry.... and wishing my girlfriend was in town. God I'm lame. Might as well go play D&D or start a LAN party... at least I'd be socializing.

Actually have been enjying myself the past couple hours, thanks to the good ol' satellite dish... thank you television. Got to see a new Chapelle's show, or at leas tnew to me. They had the second Charlie Murpy's True Hollywood story that I've seen, Prince. Fuck was it funny... Prince was really kicking some ass in B-ball... although all the homo-erotic moves they used are the same strategy me and my friends employ druing any contest, basketball, hockey, Risk or rock,paper, sissors. And a bunch of CSI. I swear once the football season is over all I'll watch is the CSI series', Star Trek :TNG and the Simpsons. Oh yeah and Home Movies. I wish Clone High was still on, that show was puking funny. Infact, I should go see if I can Bittorrent it. Wish I had burned all the episodes when I had them... oh well.

FUCKING A! I found it, Clone High Season 1.... .multitasking rules.

My faith in the internet is slowly being rebult actually. I don't know if its because it was always good, I just got into a bad net"zone" or if it really took a plunge and now peple are rebuilding it. There was a time when you could go online and if you could find something on the net... it was yours, free. Then people decided they wanted to make money, or sue anyone who wasn't making money... and things went to shit, everything closed and you had to have a credit card just to scratch your ass. But today I managed to perform 5 tasks that I've been meaning to do on the net.. all invloving searching for info, and not only did I find 4 out of 5 targets, they were all free. The 5th target is still in the air. If anyone knows what "Noodle Caboodle" is and what the recipe is, tell me (Family Guy fans will get this reference).

Anyhoo, gonna finish up, pop a flick in the VCR and hit the hay.. I'm bushed.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:04 pm

    This is Shanna.

    From what I can tell, a noodle caboodle is just a mixture of many different noodles. That's what a caboodle is...I think.

    Glad you're enjoying TV. Although Red Green was pretty funny today. Man I love ranger gord.
