Tuesday, November 16, 2004

We'll be all singin' with version.

So what is reggae version? Sublime talks about it in Jailhouse and Big Sugar mentions it at the start of the album Heated. So what the hell? I tried to look it up, but all I found was a Xtian webpage that like lipped off rastafarinaism HARD... really bad. Then to top it all off it linked to a page who's sole purpose was to prove the band POD were rastaman and thus non Xtian and a bunch of bull. Oh then they went on in another part of the page to claim AS FACT that Led Zeppelin were satanists. Holy Crap. This leads me to the suggestion that people GROW THE FUCK UP!!! Honsetly I can't see the purpose for calling a religion be it Rasta, Buddhism, Islam or whatever, evil when they hold to morally sound but different beliefs. I think you're a hypocrite and a morally unsound person yourself if you need to find evil in the good of others.

And of course in trying to kill everything evil, all they managed to do was spread it... dumbasses. While there I found out about a cool movie coming out June 6, 2006 (6-6-06 .... heh) called "The Beast." It looks pretty cool.

Anyhoo, I guess I have to cook because Shawnas ass is tied to a piano, thus making it hard for her to get around.


  1. Way to give into the blog craze Jeremy

  2. Anonymous1:55 am

    This is Shanna.

    OK, I didn't understand anything in all that except that you have to go cook.

    It's 2am, I've been making christmas decorations and probably waking up the rest of the house all night. So I figured I'd settle down and play on my computer for a while to tire me out. So now I'm going to go blog. Everyone go read it!! http://soulfood77.blogdrive.com
