Monday, November 20, 2006

The Meme So Far!

Ok so as far as I know I've only had 2 people participate in the Celebrity F**k List Meme. But that's ok, it's an abrasive subject. If you want to participate, details are here.

Anyhoo, the entries so far have been from the wonderful Rhonda. And the questionable Danny, who seems to think I know anything about networking (I don't). EDIT - Also the dapper and debonair Jeff has entered on his blog.

But I gotta run, I think Bootsy might be really sick, so I'm gonna give the vet a call.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:03 pm

    I was asking if you knew. A simple yes or no woulda worked. Jst trying to get a friend some cheddar, FINE. Be that way.
