Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Goddamn you Escherichia coli

So lately I've packed a few more pounds around the midriff. No one's fault but my own, I haven't been eating healthy, shame on me. So this week as part of the "Jeremy Getting his Fucking Life Together Project" (JGFLTP) I went grocery shopping and got myself some good food. Among it, some delicious spinach. Now "The Man" tells me if I eat it I'll get sick.

Christ make up your damn mind!


Soulfood said...

Let Bootsie be your official taster.


The Navigator said...

Ya, McDOnald's had to stop selling salads for awhile and still now they don't put the spinach into them.

Saskboy said...

The terrorists did it.

Pilot said...

I knew it... they didn't even need to tell me and I knew it. Damn terrorists... we should invade Syria.

Anonymous said...

Quit being a fucking American. Invade nothing or they'll just come over here and bomb your dog.

Pilot said...

Danny, the more I hear you talk, the more I'm convinced you're a moron.

Anonymous said...

I prefer the terms, special, super, unique, intellectually inferior, and intelligently intelligent thank you.