I gutted the TNT 100 amp I got as the amp in it is pooched. I'm using it as a 15" cabinet, tied into my B4 head. I'll put a picture up one of these days of my first rig setup compared to my current one. Gurantee it's different by a bit. It's pretty funny, I've owned like 4 amps, 5 guitars, 10 or so effects or effect processors, 500 chords (minimum) and about a zillion picks. If I had spent that money on say... food, I'd be pretty fat.
Oh here's a pic of it all if you wanna see

Nope, your still a few inches taller. Maybe the rack will increase it enough.
Ya I was thinking the same thing...still not good. Ya I told you the TNT was hooched, you were the one who told me it wasn't just a fuse cause the way the power kept cutting out of it. Oh well your welcome for an amp that made your rig seem "larger" .......
a large rig....maybe he's making up for the lack of something else?
yes, I have a small penis.
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
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