Monday, July 03, 2006

The Hunger Site

Hey all! Just a quickie today... but I might have some more tonight, we'll see.

The gig went really well on Saturday, despite a lack-lustre turn out. Let's just say that if no one connected with the band had shown up we would have been playing to batenders. But it was a good time.. and I never hit Linda (with a "y") with my bass... at least not hard.

If y'all remember correctly, I've been a pretty big pusher of the Hunger Site on this page. Basically, it's a page where in by visiting and "click"ing the button on the page, you donate the equivalent of 1.1 cups of food through viewing advertising. This month, they have set a goal of 271,701 cups of food this month. I'm doing my best to make sure I click everyday, but I'd like to draft my loyal readership to do the same. Mention the Hunger Site on your blogs, put links in your e-mail footers, webpage sidebars and forum posts. I've got the Hunger Site set as my homepage on my computer, so whenever I load up Firefox, the first thing I do is visit that page. I've also seeded links to the Hunger Site and it's sister sites like the Rainforest site and the Breast Cancer site in amongst my links that I visit when I'm wasting time. That way if I'm bored, I make a quick trip and click.

So go visit and spread the word, we can help them meet there goal this month!


The Navigator said...

You screwed up the address on the have a semicolon instead of a colon.

Anonymous said...

Thats right, my teeth are all still intact...Yes the crowd was lacking but we wowed 'em anyway...How was your long day at work Sunday?? Ah to be young again...see you soon