Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Thanks for letting me quit



July 22, 2006 Saturday - Regina
We would start out at about 1pm with a barbecue in Wascana Park. Kids, and Everyone of course, will be welcome. After the barbecue we could head to the Rider game (if enough people express interest, Stephen might be able to line up some discounted tickets). After that we could all head out for supper, or do another BBQ and then head out to a pub for some drinks.

The option of a Saskatoon meet has also been discussed, but we would like to have one big meet as opposed to two large ones, but we’ll see what everyone has to say. Saskatoon dates that have been discussed include June 17 and August 19.

If most people would prefer a Saskatoon meet on July 22nd, we could possibly change it up.


I know I'm definetly gonna try and be there. I'll be the one trolling for booty.


The Navigator said...

You can maybe get a ride with me!

Saskboy said...

Is blogger booty worth trolling for though?

Anonymous said...

Blogger booty!!!! Great to hear you guys might be comin!

If anyone else wants to "RSVP" or whatever, check out these links:

Stephen Glauser - SaskBlogs Meet Notice
Saskboy - SaskBlogs Meet Notice

Again, thanks for comin!