Saturday, February 11, 2006


So I got to chat with my cuz's Levi and Dore this morning on MSN. I've actually talked to Dore a couple times already. She gets up early and talks on MSN... and I'm just going to bed. They're in Australia see, they're eating penguin, making fun of babies who have run-ins with dingos and drinking all those delicious Australian Beers (which as we all know are in the top 5 of world scale of excellent beers (Ireland, Australia, Canada, Germany...... every other country on the planet.... USA). If you would like to follow their wacky travels, they have blogs. Dore is here. Levi is here.

Helped Corey set up our new DVD authoring setup at work today. Got it all hooked up, and triumphantly start turning on the peripherals... SNAP, POP, KAZOW! And smoke starts billowing out of the monitor. This SHOULD teach Corey not to joke about me blowing shit up when I set it up. IT CAN HAPPEN TO YOU! So needless to say, we've got a couple more days till we start authoring DVD's. Now the store smells of burnt plastics and shit.

I've been watching the olympics officially for ... 1.5 hours now. I'm already sick of all the olympics commercials.


The Navigator said...

That kinda reminds me of that time in electronics. Me and jon were at the same terminal and we shared a sautering iron. About half-way through class, all of which the iron had been plugged in, a jet of fire erupted from behind my book, the plug was behind it. The thing just decided to erupt into flames.....crazy shit. We opened it up only to find thaqt the wiring was extremely shitty.

Anonymous said...

Fire rules hehehe (Beavis laugh) Ir rules.

Radio Girlie said...

Good thing you weren't around to set up the new monitor...
I think we may have success...

See you Tuesday!